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Home Menu
Main Menu
- About Us
- Academics
- Undergraduate
- Prospective Students
- Learning Goals
- Major
- Minor
- Course Offerings and Schedule
- Courses Schedule
- Course Details
- 590:100 Themes in Latin American Studies Unity in Diversity - A Brief Introduction to Latin America
- 590:101 Latin America: An Introduction
- 590:265:90 Afro-Brazilian History
- 590:493:01 Internship in Latin American Studies
- 590:496:01 Independent Study in Latin American Studies
- 590:497:01 Honors in Latin American
- 590:393 Modern Latin American Art
- 590:402 Seminar in Latin American Studies, Topic: U.S. Latin American Relations: From the Monroe Doctrine to the Globalization Era
- 590:402 Seminar in Latin American Studies: Globalization and Latin American Development: Twenty-First Century Challenges
- 590:298:01 Latinos and Migration
- 590:299:01 Latinos and Community
- 590:299:02 Latin American Politics
- Note on "Semester(s) Offered"
- Course Synopses
- Advising
- Thesis Option
- Student Graduation Awards
- Graduate Certificate
- Graduate Courses
- Study Abroad
- Undergraduate
- People
- Director
- Affiliated Faculty
- Affiliated Faculty Details
- Director
- Rutgers University–New Brunswick
- Berg, Ulla
- Andrea Marston
- Brooks, Ethel
- Butler, Kim
- Chang, Roberto
- Decena, Carlos
- Dinzey-Flores, Zaire
- Fernandez, Carlos
- Fine, Janice
- Fitzgerald, Nurgul
- Flores, Tatiana
- Hernandez, Ebelia
- Hoffman, Daniel
- Jimenez-Crespo, Miguel
- Katz, Vikki
- Kaufman, Robert
- Larrier, Renee
- Lopez, Kathleen
- Otero-Torres, Damaris
- Townsend, Camilla
- Marchi, Regina
- Marcone, Jorge
- Schneider, Laura
- Schwartz, Marcy
- Sifuentes-Jauregui, Ben
- Stephens, Thomas
- Stevens, Camilla
- Stephens, Michelle A.
- Wolfson, Todd
- Cuesta, Laura
- León, Kenneth Sebastian
- Rosado, Shantee
- Osorio Fernandez, Arturo E
- Lee, Tamara
- Seijas, Tatiana
- Barragan, Yesenia
- Da Silva, Daniel
- Burrowes, Nicole
- Restrepo-Mieth, Andrea
- Logroño, Rafael
- Gonzalez, Juan
- Rhiney, Kevon
- Ferreira, Priscilla
- Schement, Jorge Reina
- Dominguez Bello, Maria Gloria
- Pilar Rau
- Echeverría, Darius V.
- Robert Ramos
- Miller, Hyacinth
- Guarnaccia, Peter
- Shanna Jean-Baptiste
- Jean-Baptiste, Shanna
- Lawrence, Jeffrey
- Yonaira Rivera
- Evelyn Saavedra Autry
- Hernandez Matos, Antonio
- Kaysha Corinealdi
- Rutgers University–Newark
- Rutgers University–Camden
- Affiliated Faculty Details
- Affiliated Post-Docs
- Instructors
- Executive Committee
- Executive Committee
- Graduate Student Affiliates
- Graduate Student Affiliates
- Clio Bravo Idrobo
- Andres Gonzalez-Saiz
- Joyce Lu
- Raul Rodriguez Arancibia
- Anabelle Rodriguez
- Diana Iturralde Mantilla
- Elvis Fuentes
- Emma Oslé
- Caleb Delorme
- Isabel Guzzardo Tamargo
- Javiera Barrientos
- Salvador Ayala Camarillo
- Alana Rader
- Alex Liebman
- Daniel Friedman
- Daniela Mosquera Camacho
- Jamie Gagliano
- Leonardo Calzada
- Maria Garcia
- Martin Pardo
- Ariela Parisi
- Natascia Cappa
- Federica Soddu
- Jennifer Markovits
- Javier González Cortés
- David Roldán Eugenio
- Josh Anthony
- Camila Bellird
- Thayane Brêtas
- Henry Maquera
- Jennifer Natoli
- José Torres
- Jeffrey Aizprua
- Esperanza Santos
- Tamara Velasquez Leiferman
- Vania Villanueva
- Lorena Avila Jaimes
- Michael Van Stine
- Alan Palacios
- Katia Yoza
- Sherry Mason
- Francisco Cantero Soriano
- Staff
- Publications
- Freedom’s Captives: Slavery and Gradual Emancipation on the Colombian Black Pacific
- Una Republica Agraria
- An Agrarian Republic: Commercial Agriculture and the Politics of Peasant Communities in El Salvador, 1823-1914
- Mobile Selves: Race, Migration, and Belonging in Peru and the U.S.
- Unraveling the Garment Industry: Transnational Organizing and Women’s Work
- Freedoms Given, Freedoms Won: Afro-Brazilians in Post-Abolition Sao Paulo and Salvador
- Tacit Subjects: Belonging and Same-Sex Desire among Dominican Immigrant Men
- Locked In, Locked Out: Gated Communities in a Puerto Rican City
- Aztlán Arizona: Mexican American Educational Empowerment, 1968–1978
- Romancero y Cancionero Tradicional de Costa Rica
- No One Size Fits All: Worker Organization, Policy, and Movement in a New Economic Age
- Mexico’s Revolutionary Avant-Gardes: From Estridentismo to ¡30-30!
- Reclaiming Gotham: Bill de Blasio and the Movement to End America’s Tale of Two Cities
- Understanding the Latinx Experience: Developmental and Contextual Influences
- Translation and Web Localization
- Kids in the middle: How children of immigrants negotiate community interactions for their families.
- Autofiction and Advocacy in the Francophone Caribbean
- Corrupt Capital – Alcohol, Nightlife, and Crimes of the Powerful
- Chinese Cubans: A Transnational History
- Against War: Views from the Underside of Modernity
- Day of the Dead in the USA: The Migration and Transformation of a Cultural Phenomenon
- La oralidad escrita- sobre la reivindicación y re-inscripción del discurso oral
- Vientre, manos y espíritu: hacia la construcción del sujeto femenino en el Siglo de Oro
- Globalization, Agriculture and Food in the Caribbean: Climate Change, Gender and Geography
- Encyclopedia of Information and Communication
- Public Pages: Reading along the Latin American Streetscape
- As If She Were Free: A Collective Biography of Women and Emancipation in the Americas
- The Avowal of Difference: Queer Latino American Narratives
- Black Empire: The Masculine Global Imaginary of Caribbean Intellectuals in the United States, 1914 to 1962
- Dictionary of Latin American Racial and Ethnic Terminology
- Indigenous Life After the Conquest: The De la Cruz Family Papers of Colonial Mexico
- Paying for Hitler's War: The Consequences of Nazi Hegemony for Europe
- Digital Rebellion: The Birth of the Cyber Left
- Indigenous Citizens: Local Liberalism in Early National Oaxaca and Yucatán
- Macho Ethics: Masculinity and Self-Representation in Latino-Caribbean Narrative
- Community, Culture & The Makings of Identity: Portuguese-Americans along the Eastern Seaboard
- The Aesthetics of the Ephemeral: Memory Theaters in Contemporary Barcelona
- Translating Empire: José Martí, Migrant Latino Subjects and American Modernities
- Precarious Democracy: Ethnographies of Hope, Despair, and Resistance in Brazil
- Rethinking the Struggle for Puerto Rican Rights
- To Rise in Darkness: Revolution, Repression, and Memory in El Salvador, 1920-1932
- Landscapes of Struggle: Community and Politics in El Salvador
- Identity and Struggle at the Margins of the Nation-State: The Laboring Peoples of Central America and the Hispanic Caribbean, 1850-1950
- Selling Our Death Masks: Cash-for-Gold in the Age of Austerity
- Transnational Citizenship Across the Americas
- El Quinto Suyo: Transnacionalidad y Formaciones Diasporicas en la Migración Peruana
- Diásporas Imaginadas: Atlântico Negro e Historias Afro-Brasileiras, by Kim D. Butler and Petronio Domingues
- Trans Tessituras: Queer Repertoires and Black Diaspora in Lusophone Popular Music
- City of God(desses): Afro-feminist urban marronage in the face of the Racial Capitalism
- Worker Centers: Organizing Communities at the Edge of the Dream
- Money and Politics, Financing Our Elections Democratically
- Bootstrap Justice: The Search for Mexico’s Disappeared
- News for All The People: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media
- Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America
- Fallout: The Environmental Consequences of the World Trade Center Collapse
- Roll Down Your Window: Stories from a Forgotten America
- Crowd Sourcing and Online Collaborative Translations
- Family trials: Immigrants and hyperdiversity in the family court system
- Children being seen and heard: How youth contribute to their migrant families’ adaptation
- Understanding ethnic media: Producers, consumers and societies
- Dictators and Democrats: Masses, Elites, and Regime Change
- Development, Democracy, and Welfare States: Latin America, East Asia, and Eastern Europe
- Crucial Needs, Weak Incentives: Social Sector Reform, Globalization and Democratization in Latin America
- Reforming the State: Fiscal and Welfare Reform in Transition Economies
- The Political Economy of Democratic Transitions
- Francophone Women Writers of Africa and the Caribbean
- Migrating Words and Worlds: Pan-Africanism Updated
- Historical and Cultural Interconnections between Latin America and Asia
- Critical Caribbean Studies
- Fanonian Meditations
- Young People and the Future of News: Social Media and the Rise of Connective Journalism
- Global Change and the Caribbean: Adaptation and Resilience
- Latinxs and the Emotional Politics of Race and Blackness in the U.S.
- The Global Telecommunications Industry and Consumers: 2001 Update – Competition Moves Forward
- Tendencies and Tensions of the Information Age: The Production and Consumption of Information in the United States
- Voces en off: Traducción y literatura latinoamericana
- Invenciones urbanas: Ficción y ciudad latinoamericanas
- Writing Paris: Urban Topographies of Desire in Contemporary Latin American Fiction
- Voice-Overs: Translation and Latin American Literature
- Photography and Writing in Latin America: Double Exposures
- Victors and Vanquished: Spanish and Nahua Views of the Fall of the Mexica Empire
- Spanish Dollars and Sister Republics: The Money That Made Mexico and the United States
- Asian Slaves in Colonial Mexico: From Chinos to Indians
- Transvestism, Masculinity, and Latin American Literature
- Skin Acts: Race, Psychoanalysis and The Black Male Performer
- Archipelagic American Studies
- Contemporary Archipelagic Thinking
- A Game of Mirrors: The Changing Face of Ethno-racial Constructs and Language in the Americas
- Escrito por mujeres. (1951-2010). Vol II
- Escrito por mujeres. (1911-1942). Vol I
- Family and Identity in Contemporary Cuban and Puerto Rican Drama
- Fifth Sun: A New History of the Aztecs
- Annals of Native America: How the Nahuas of Colonial Mexico Kept Their History Alive
- Here in This Year: Seventeenth-Century Nahuatl Annals of the Tlaxcala-Puebla Valley
- American Indian History: A Documentary Reader
- Malintzin’s Choices: An Indian Woman in the Conquest of Mexico
- Malintzin: Una mujer indígena en la Conquista de México
- Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma
- Tales of Two Cities: Race and Economic Culture in Early Republican North and South America
- Stock Market Crashes And Speculative Manias
- Housing and Mortgage Markets in Historical Perspective
- The Defining Moment: The Great Depression and the American Economy in the Twentieth Century
- Conflicts of Interest in the Financial Services Industry: What Should We Do About Them?
- The Great Refusal: Herbert Marcuse and the Contemporary Cycle of Struggle
- The Rise of the Precarious Workers
- Performing Folklore: Ranchos Folclóricos from Lisbon to Newark
- O Fetiche: Estratégias Relacionais no Teatro de Nelson Rodrigues
- Performance of Fetishism, Body Parts and Marginalities in Modern Brazilian Theater
- The Cambridge History of Latina/o American Literature
- Constellations of Inequality: Space, Race, and Utopia in Brazil
- Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency
- Mourning Remains: State Atrocity, Exhumations, and Governing the Disappeared in Peru’s Postwar Andes
- The Miracle on Cooper Street, Lessons from an Inner City
- Breaking Ground and Barriers: Hispanic Women Developing Effective Leadership
- Organizing Puerto Rican Migrant Farmworkers
- Midwives and Mothers: The Medicalization of Childbirth on a Guatemalan Plantation
- Traditional Medicine: Implications for Ethnomedicine, Ethnopharmacology, Maternal and Child Health, Mental Health, and Public Health
- La degeneración del Novecientos. Modernismo y modelos estético-sexuales de la cultura
- Cervantes, the Golden Age, and the Fight for Spanish Cultural Identity in the 20th Century
- Goodbye, Eros: Recasting Forms and Norms of Love in the Age of Cervantes
- Cervantes and the Pictorial Imagination
- Puerto Rican Citizen: History and Political Identity in Twentieth Century New York City
- Rethinking the Struggle for Puerto Rican Rights
- Minority: Latino Civil Rights and the Making of Multiracial America after the 1960s
- Aquí and Allá: Transnational Dominican Theater and Performance
- Latin American History at the Movies
- Latinas/os in New Jersey: Histories, Communities, and Cultures
- New Jersey Latinamericanists
- Mack, Jessica
- Sharnak, Debbie
- Garcia Vizcaino, Maria Jose
- Edstrom, Anne M.
- Calarota-Ninman, Antonella
- Galoppe, Raul
- López-Luaces, Marta
- Soto, Valentin
- Zapata, Roger
- Ochoa-Winemiller, Virginia
- McDevitt, Jennifer A.
- López, Iraida H.
- Fabre, Niza
- Santamaria-Laorden, Natalia
- Straile-Costa, Paula D.
- Shrader, James
- Santos Quiñones, Lorena A. I.
- Manley, Marilyn
- Madero, Roberto
- Majstorovic, Gorica
- Sanchez, F. Javier
- Biehl, João G.
- Cadava, Eduardo
- Candiani, Vera S.
- Colomina, Beatriz
- Guerrero, Javier
- Lorenz, Hendrik
- Nouzeilles, Gabriela
- Riehl, Christina
- Yashar, Deborah J.
- Adelman, Jeremy
- Avalos, José L.
- Bradlow, Benjamin
- Bravo, Monica
- Picón, Natalia Castro
- Cattaneo, Matias D. Cattaneo
- Centeno, Miguel Ángel
- Cesar, Rafael
- Codá Marques, Fernando
- Draper, Susana
- Fernández-Kelly, Patricia
- Fuentes, Agustín
- Fujiwara, Thomas
- Gallo, Rubén
- Gandelsonas, Mario I.
- García Peña, Lorgia
- Garip, Filiz
- Garlock, Maria E.
- Garth, Hanna
- Goldthree, Reena
- Gutarra Cordero, Dannelle
- Just, Bryan R.
- Kaufmann, Thomas D.
- Lee, Christina
- Legnani, Nicole D.
- Londregan, John B.
- Lozano, Rosina
- Meira Monteiro, Pedro
- Monroy-Hernández, Andrés
- Moura Mota, Isadora
- Nesbitt, F. Nick
- Pacala, Stephen W.
- Padilla Peralta, Dan-el
- Patton, Pamela
- Pop-Eleches, Grigore
- Price, Rachel L.
- Rodriguez, Alejandro
- Small, Irene V.
- Sparks, Garry
- Sviatschi, Maria Micaela
- Titiunik, Rocío
- Tuñón, Guadalupe
- Zeltsman, Corinna
- Acosta-Rodríguez, Fernando
- Warner-Ault, Ann
- Borland, Elizabeth
- Chartock, Sarah
- Gabriel-Stheeman, Luis
- Goebel, Joseph
- Huguet Jerez, Marimar
- Kentengian, Isabel
- McGreevey, Robert
- Morin, Regina
- Otero, Agustin
- Potter, Brian
- Shakow, Miriam
- Argote-Freyre, Frank
- Woodard, James
- Conway, Richard
- Audain, Mekala
- Post-Doctoral Associate
- Zapata, George
- Cuesta, Laura
- Undergraduate Representative
- Graduate Student Representative
- CLAS Program Assistants
- Past Post-Doctoral Associates
- Graduate Student Affiliates
- Executive Committee
- Graduate Student Affiliates
- Visiting Scholars
- New Jersey Latinamericanists
- Staff
- News and Events
- News and Announcements
- News Details
- Prof. Aldo Lauria Santiago appointed as incoming Director
- New Website Features Coming
- Looking for good candidates for our courses
- Prof. Berg appointed to Executive Committee
- CLAS Postdoc Fellow now an Assistant Professor at WUSL
- CLAS is Hiring!
- Recent Ph.D. Graduate William Kelly named Emerging Voices Fellow in the Urban Humanities
- Professor Ferreira joins the Geography and Latino & Caribbean Studies Departments
- Professor Laura Schneider promoted to Full Professor in the Geography Department
- Professor Sean T. Mitchell on Brazil's Bolsonaro
- New Faculty: Yesenia Barragan--History Department
- Kevin Young Receives his Ph.D. in Latin American History
- Lisette Varon‐Carvajal win National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Welcome to La Familia Festival at the CLAC
- CLAS Faculty Survey
- Ph.D. Program in Latin American History Starts Semester with Social
- Portillo to Speak on Honduras
- Presentation by Prof. Jessica Marie Johnson
- CLAS Affiliates named ISGRJ Early Career Faculty Fellows
- New Grad Student Publication
- New Instructor joins CLAS: Aleman Rodriguez
- Event Examines Crisis in Colombia
- Recent Protest Movement in Colombia Discussed in Public Forum
- Graduate Student in Latin American History, selected as Bard College Fellow
- BLK Latinx Americas xLab Research Workshop
- Mexican Visual Cultures: Leopoldo Peña
- Dissertation Defense: Creating Cali
- Leopoldo Peña, Photographer--Rutgers ACLS Fellow in American Studies
- Prof. Berg Publishes new book: Migración
- Prof. Flores publishes "Latinidad is Cancelled"
- Post-Doctoral Fellow Trowbridge delivered her mock job talk
- The Many Worlds of Mainland “British Latin America”
- CLAS has new Program Assistants!
- Professor Charles Walker Presents on Sendero Luminoso in Peru
- CLAS Initiates and Co-Sponsors Cluster Hiring Proposal in Hemispheric Indigenous Studies
- Spring 2022 Course List
- New Faculty: Professor Nicole Burrows
- New CLAS Executive Committee Members
- Graduate Student Publication
- CLAS Launches Colombia Working Group
- CLAS Launches Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration
- Latinos in New Jersey Project Wins Historical Commission Grant
- CLAS Executive Council Work
- CLAS Launches Faculty Interests Survey
- New Documented Blog on the History of Puerto Rican Migrants in New York City
- CLAS Sponsors Working Group on the History of Puerto Rico
- New Course on Central American and Mexico--Spring 2022
- New Course: The History of Puerto Rico
- CLAS Announces Post-Doctoral Position
- New CLAS Faculty Affiliates
- Spring 2022 Lusophone Courses
- De Moya Guerra wins Scholarship from Colombia
- Leo Valdes Publishes Article on Latinx Trans Immigrants in New Jersey
- CLAS and LatCar sponsor student appreciation LatinBites food truck lunch!
- CLAS Sponsors Working Group on Caribbean Studies
- History Ph.D. Student Wins Kennedy Library Fellowship
- CLAS Affiliate wins NEH
- New Article by Prof Marston and Grad Student Daniela Mosquera (Geography)
- Indigenous Studies Working Group Announces Talk Series
- Regional East Coast LACS Events Compendium--Updated Regularly
- Free Womb Project--Prof. Barragan
- Event Report: The New Vertical Archipelago: Small-Scale Mining and Ch’ixi Livelihoods in the Bolivian Tin Belt
- Caribbean Working Group Reading Workshop
- Update: The Many Worlds of Mainland 'British Latin America'"
- Professor Lopez Presents on Identity, Mobility and Latino Movements in New Jersey for the NJ Historical Commission
- CLAS Co-sponsors Major Workshop on Research Sources on Latin America and Iberia
- 2022 Study Abroad in Peru!
- Central America--History and Migration
- Yale RITM joins CLAS in the Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration
- Joyce Lu presents at MACLAS conference
- Professors Berg and Sebastian publish co-authored articles.
- CLAS Caribbean Working Group Holds First Workshop
- Immigration, Diversity and Student Journeys to Higher Education by Dr. Peter J. Guarnaccia
- CLAS Grad Student Research Awards Announced
- CFP: New England Conference on Latin American Studies
- Prof. Barragan's New Book Freedom’s Captives: Slavery and Gradual Emancipation on the Colombian Black Pacific Celebrated
- CLAS Announces Post-Doctoral Affiliate, Dr. Briana Nichols
- CLAS Announces Fall 2022 Course List!!
- Michelle Chase Presents on Cuban Exile Transnational Anti-Communist Networks
- Peter Sorensen is Awarded Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- Prof. Berg, former CLS Director, wins Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award
- History Major wins Siegel History Prize with Seminar Paper about Peruvian Social Movement
- Rosa Cordero Commented on Jorrel Badillo's Book Talk
- Award for Prof. Barragan's Book
- Graduate Student Jazmin Puicon wins Graduate School Award
- Elizabeth Manley presented on Women and Caribbean Tourism
- CLAS and LSRI Receive Grant from Rutgers Global
- New Undergrad Representative Named
- Newark hosts Dr. Antonia Gabriela P. de Araújo
- Lisette Varon Carvajal at La Feria del Libro in Bogota
- Laura de Moya-Guerra at events in Colombia
- Prof. Flores's Article wins LASA Section Award
- Daria Turner Joins CLAS Team
- Jian Ren wins Fellowship for Research at Hoover Institution
- Leo Valdes, History Ph.D. Student, wins the Antonia I. Castañeda prize
- Director's Annual Report 2021-2022
- La izquierda se prepara para gobernar Colombia
- Jesse Pringle has Graduated
- Prof. Marchi Publishes Second Edition of "Day of the Dead"
- @Rutgers: Labor and Working Class History Association Conference--CFP
- Prof. Lauria Santiago Signs Agreement for Research and Digitalization Collaboration with UPR Library
- CFP: Latin American & Caribbean Section (LACS), Southern Historical Association Meeting
- Prof. Lomas publishes article on Lourdes Casal
- Mexican Indigenous History Conference in September
- CANCELLED! New Course--Caribbean Urbanism!!
- Call for Papers: 54th Annual ACH Conference
- "Conquering Self-Representation: The Rise of Amazonian Indigenous Contemporary Art" with Giuliana Borea
- "Mexico's Workers of Thought: Rethinking Press Freedom and Political Culture Through Printing" with Corinna Zeltsman and Marcy Schwartz
- Prof. Emeritus Mark Wasserman Publishes new Textbook on Latin American History
- Jessica Mack joins Rowan University as Historian of Mexico
- Call for Submissions for LASA Film Festival
- Professor Yesenia Barragan Awarded The Wesley-Logan Prize in African Diaspora History!
- Call for Papers: Comp. Lit. Graduate Conference
- PhD Student Andrés González-Saiz Coedits a Book
- Prof Aldo Lauria-Santiago's Talk: "Los puertorriqueños en el mundo latino de Nueva York, 1920-1960"
- Call for Participants: 2023 Conference: Fugitivity, Marronage, Abolition | Fugitividade, Quilombismo, Abolição | Fugitividad, Cimarronaje, Aboliciòn
- NEW COURSE: Puerto Rican Migration to the United States
- CLAS 2023 Student Research Grant Competition
- New Course: Mexico, Central American and Migration
- Josh Anthony Wins the Rockefeller Brothers Curatorial Research Fellowship from the Hispanic Society of America in NYC
- NAPA-OT Field School Summer Course
- Exhibition: Sandy Rodriguez "To Translate the Unfathomable" (From January 17 - April 7)
- MACLAS Salisbury University Proposal Deadline Extended to January 27
- Camilla Townsend Publishes a Piece in the Book: Latin American History at the Movies
- Statement on the New Mexican Consulate in New Brunswick for the Targum
- Latin American Film Festival: Indigenous Voices
- Conference: Faculty and Graduate Student Research on Latin America and the Caribbean
- Briana Nichols Publishes a Piece in Columbia's Regional Expert Series
- CLAS Director Aldo Lauria-Santiago Featured in Daily Targum Article about NB Mexican Consulate
- CLAS is Excited to Announce Our New YouTube Channel
- Celso Mendoza selected for Bridge-to-Faculty Post Doctoral Position
- Peter Sorensen '22 Accepts tenure track position at Hong Kong Baptist University
- Professor Andrea Restrepo-Mieth Publishes an Article in Planning Theory and Practice
- Professor Marcy Schwartz Will Give a Talk at National University in Cordoba, Argentina
- PhD Student Lisette Varón-Carvajal Named 2023 Women’s Studies Fellow
- Announcing CLAS Grad Student Awards
- The CLAS Conference was a Great Success!
- The Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration Project has been Featured in Puerto Rican Newspapers!
- Evelyn Saavedra Autry Scholarly Profile
- PhD Student Jian Ren is Awarded the History & Political Economy Project Summer Research Grant!
- Congratulations to Jennifer Markovtis Rojas for her Dissertation Defense
- PhD Student Josh Anthony Wins Grant to Participate in the "Missionary Manuscripts in Mesoamerican Languages" Workshop
- Congratulations 2023 Latin American Studies Graduates!
- Faculty Accomplishments
- Call For Papers! New England Council of Latin American Studies Annual Conference
- Queer Aqui Rio: An International Symposium
- Camilla Townsend Publishes an Article in the Hispanic American Review
- Antonio Hernández Matos Publishes Two Pieces on Masculinity and Fashion in Puerto Rico
- Laura De Moya-Guerra Wins 2023-24 Seed Grant
- Instructor Antonio Hernandez Matos wins Dissertation Award
- CFP: Narratives, Aesthetics, and Afrodiasporic Spirituality in the Contemporary Caribbean
- Dr. Moreno, Postdoctoral Fellow, Publishes: "Moral Reasoning about Gang Violence in Context"
- Prof. Nicole Burrows Coedits issue of NACLA: The Afterlives of Empire in the Caribbean
- CLAS co-sponsors conference on Global Black Geographies
- New Publication: "On the Turtle's Back" By Professor Camilla Townsend
- Join METÁFORA at the Spanish & Portuguese Department!
- Professor Kenneth Sebastian León Publishes: "Code of the Street 25 Years Later: Lasting Legacies, Empirical Status, and Future Directions"
- Lisette Varón Carvajal Joins Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia as an Assistant Professor in the History Department
- Call for Papers: 2024 Conference of the Middle Atlantic Council on Latin American Studies (MACLAS)
- Post Doctoral Fellow Briana Nichols Publishes an Article in Anthropology & Education Quarterly!
- Post Doctoral Associate Evelyn Autry Receives the 2023 Feminist Formations and NWSA Paper Award!
- Call For Papers: "Labor Past & Present: Bringing History and Activism Together" at Columbia University
- Professor Janice Gallagher's New Book: "Bootstrap Justice: The Search for Mexico's Disappeared"
- Sandra Acocal, Ph.D. Student, publishes article in Estudios de Historia Novohispana
- CLAS announces Post-Doctoral Associate Position for 2024-2026
- Professor Janice Gallagher Presents Her New Book: "Bootstrap Justice: The Search for Mexico's Disappeared"
- Prof. Marcone presents his research on the literature and imaginaries of the Peruvian Amazon
- Jian Ren presents his research on China and Latin America, 1950s-1980s
- Professor Regina Marchi’s Book Receives Two International Latino Book Awards!
- Study Abroad in San Juan, Puerto Rico!
- New Exhibit: Sacred Roots: Earthly Memories: Lydia Cabrera's Legacy, Diaspora and Community
- CLAS Partners With Rutgers Advanced Institute for Critical Caribbean Studies (RAICCS)!
- Professor Marcy Schwartz Receives the Clement A. Price Human Dignity Award!
- Antonio Hernández Matos Publishes a New Book Review in ERLACS
- Leonardo Calzada wins the Fulbright-National Geographic Scholarship!
- Ph.D student Laura De Moya-Guerra, Publishes a New Article
- The Latino Studies Research Initiative Issues Call for Articles
- Puerto Rico Summer Graduate Intern Program 2024--Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration
- Professor Andrea Marston Publishes a New Book!
- Exciting Opportunity: $10,000 Bilingual Scholarships Available for MSW Students through the LISTA Program!
- Former Post-Doc Associate and Visiting Scholar Briana Nichols Publishes Book Review
- PRAC Collaborators Receive Grant from Arte Publico Press' Latino Digital Humanities Program
- New Film Festival: New Assemblages In Latin America And The Iberian World
- Joshua Anthony wins the Summer Fellowship in Pre-Columbian Studies at Dumbarton Oaks
- CLAS Hosts Another Successful Research Symposium!
- Doctoral student Lorena Avila Jaimes Publishes a New Article
- Call for Articles: The Latino Studies Research Initiative
- CLAS/RAICCS 2024 Graduate Student Research Grant Recipients Announced!
- Postdoctoral Fellow Franklin Moreno Publishes a new Article
- CLAS hosts Lunchtime Talk with Carolina Sánchez
- Camilla Townsend Awarded the Jay I. Kislak Chair for the Study of the History and Cultures of the Early Americas
- Sandra Acocal to Participate in "Missionary Manuscripts in Mesoamerican Languages,” Workshop by Princeton University
- Mobilities and Migration Roundtable Held
- Andrés González-Saiz Successfully Defends his Doctoral Dissertation
- Javier González Presents His Research on Animal History at ASEH 2024
- Lorena Avila Jaimes Successfully Defends her Dissertation at the School of Criminal Justice at Rutgers-Newark
- Jian Ren Awarded the Susman Dissertation Completion Fellowship in 2024-2025
- Jeffrey Lawrence Publishes a New Book: "El Americano'
- Clio Isaacson selected for Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
- Jian Ren Publishes New Article
- Hely Graduates!
- CLAS Director Posts Annual Report
- Laura De Moya-Guerra wins NASSH 2024 Grant and ACH Award
- Camilla Townsend publishes new book "The Aztec Myths"
- Nathan Darmiento attends VOCES Oral History course at UT-Austin
- Joshua Anthony and Sandra Acocal attend fellowship and workshop at Dumbarton Oaks
- Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration Receives Million Dollar Grant from the Mellon Foundation
- Several Rutgers professors and Ph.D. students attend Latin American Geography Conference in P.R.
- Over 20 Rutgers academics attend LASA Conference
- An interview with new Post-Doctoral Associate Vierelina Fernández
- Shantee Rosado publishes "The Sociology of Cardi B: A Trap Feminist Approach" as part of the Cardi B Collective
- Rutgers PhD professor, candidates, and graduates present at the annual American Society for Ethnohistory meeting
- An interview with new Associate Professor Kaysha Corinealdi
- The PRAC and Prof. Aldo Lauria-Santiago are featured on the SAS News Page
- Warm welcome to the new affiliate faculty: Juan Arredondo, Marilisa Jiménez García, & Melanie Plasencia
- An interview with new Assistant Professor Evelyn Autry
- Prof. Ulla Berg and other SAS faculty receive fellowships at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton
- Applications are open for CHPRD Governor’s Hispanic Fellows Program
- PhD Student Dalia Griñan wins Lydia Cabrera Award
- CLAS hosts its Fall 2024 Research Symposium
- PhD Candidate Emma Oslé earns fellowship in American Art with the Smithsonian Museum
- Ariela Parisi successfully defends her dissertation and gets position at Alfred University
- Laura De Moya-Guerra, PhD Candidate in History, participated in the 1st Caribe Andino Colloquium
- Professor Ulla Berg is included in The New Yorker Article
- Andres M. F. González-Saiz publishes article "Between ‘Reproachable Alterities’ and ‘Irredeemable Others’: Violence, Morality, and the Limits of Ethnographic Understanding"
- Javiera Barrientos is awarded as the Bibliographical Society of America's D.F. McKenzie New Scholar
- Aldo Lauria-Santiago and Ulla Berg publish new book "Latinos/as in New Jersey"
- New Article by Javier González Explores Colombia's First Animal Protection Society on Its 137th Anniversary
- CFP: CLAS invites graduate students and faculty to present at the inaugural Andean-Amazonia Symposium
- Call for Summer Graduate Internship: Rutgers/Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration
- CLAS Professors featured on The Daily Targum
- Book Launch and Conference: Latinas/os in New Jersey
- Sandra Acocal publishes new article in the journal "Dimensión Anthropológica"
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- Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration
- Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration (Pages)
- Research Collections on Puerto Rico History
- Bibliographies and Guides for Research on Puerto Rico History
- Digital Library-Books and Publications of Puerto Rican History (Searchable PDFs)
- Digital Library of Historians of Puerto Rico
- Archivo General de Puerto Rico--Guides and Catalogs
- Archivo General de Puerto Rico--Spanish Military and Governors Document Transcriptions and Indeces
- Coleccion Gerardo Selles Sola--Universidad de Puerto Rico
- Documents of the Puerto Rico Insular Civil Courts, 1844-1900
- Documenting the Narratives of Puerto Rican Migration, 1945-1980
- Notas para Su Historia--Municipal Histories of Puerto Rico
- Governor Yager Papers
- Revista de la Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislacion de Puerto Rico
- Documentos Especiales
- Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration - Updates / news
- AGPR Graduate Student Intern Research Blogs
- The Rutgers/Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration
- Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration (Pages)
- Rutgers Working Groups
- Conferences
- The Many Worlds of Mainland “British Latin America”
- Hemispheric and Transatlantic Archives Workshop: Researching Iberian, Latin American, Caribbean, Latinx Collections
- CLAS Participates in the Third Animal Protection Symposium in Colombia
- Princeton-Rutgers Latin America & Caribbean Workshop
- Sept 2022 Conference: 1522: Exploring Indigenous Perspectives on the Post-conquest Years in Mexico
- Faculty/Grad Student Research Conference March 2023
- Spring 2023: ndigenous Voices: Latin America Film Festival
- April 2023 Independent Publishing: Perspectives From The Hispanophone World
- November 2023: El Monte: Narratives, Aesthetics, and Afrodiasporic Spirituality in the Contemporary Caribbean
- Teaching Latin America with Archival Research
- 2023: El Macizo Colombiano: Democracy, Violence and Popular Movements in El Cauca Colombiano
- 2024-2026, Colaboración Norte-Sur sobre Migración Latinoamericana y Latino Studies
- April, 2024: Reflexiones sobre el primer ciclo del movimiento revolucionario guatemalteco, 1961-1973
- April 2024: Im/Mobility in Migratory Contexts--A Roundtable on Migration, Transit, Securitization and Mobilities in Central America and Mexico
- Fall 2024 CLAS Research Symposium (Presentation Titles and Abstracts)
- Other
- Puerto Rico Archival Collaboration
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