Full-time LCS instructor, Antonio Hernández Matos, has published two pieces on masculinity and fashion in Puerto Rico. The first, “‘Hombres sí/Hombres nó:’ Fashioning Masculinity in Early Twentieth Century Puerto Rico” was featured in a special issue of Fashion Studies: State of the Field from the journal of Toronto Metropolitan University’s Centre for Fashion and Systemic Change. Click to read.

Hernández Matos's second article is called “Dime cómo vistes y te diré quién eres: un acercamiento teórico a la relación moda e identidad,” and was published El Amauta, a journal of the Center for Iberian-American Studies of the University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo. Click to read.

If these articles are of interest, in the next academic year, Antonio Hernández Matos will be teaching the LatCar 326 course Gender, Sexualities, and the Caribbean!