• Ariela Parisi
  • Campus: NB
  • PhD or MA: PhD
  • School : SAS
  • Department: Spanish and Portuguese
  • Project: Between Forgetting and Foreseeing: Paths of Memory in Latin American Speculative Fiction
  • Research Areas (themes, countries): 20th-21st century speculative fiction - Human Rights- Memory Studies - Dictatorships and Postmemory - Future Studies - Afrofuturism
  • Dissertation Title: Between Forgetting and Foreseeing: Paths of Memory in Latin American Speculative Fiction
  • Abstract of Dissertation Work: This transregional project aims to unite two tangents: contemporary Latin American speculative arts (2000-2022) and the cultural memory of recent dictatorial pasts — including the legacies and consequences of their neoliberal policies — in countries such as Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil. , Colombia and Guatemala. Defining the term "speculative arts" in relation to Latin American cultural memory represents an aporetic challenge that this work aims to overcome.
  • Bio: Ariela Parisi is a PhD candidate at the Spanish and Portuguese department at Rutgers University. Her research interests include Latin American speculative fiction with a focus on the representation of violence and social trauma in contemporary works of Science Fiction and Horror from the Southern Cone and Brazil. Prior to joining Rutgers University in 2019, Parisi received her MA in Spanish at Ohio University.