

This section presents the digitized publications of the most senior and prolific historians of Puerto Rico.  We will constantly update as we add authors and find and scan their publications or receive them directly from the authors. Please share any information we might be missing or any historians you would like us to include.

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One comment

  • Thank you so much for this invaluable aide to my research. I am an Afro-Puerto Rican historical fiction writer focusing on 19C Puerto Rican society. My series of novels cover the period from capture in West Africa to colonial plantation Puerto Rico, to immigration to NYC.  The first two books in the series cover the period of enslavement and have been published to positive reviews. I am now working on the third book which takes place during the period of emancipation. I anticipate that I will continue to find your material of great importance in my continued investigations to support my narratives. 

     A most appeciative researcher

    Dahlma Llanos-Figueroa


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