The Brazil Working Group is an interdisciplinary space of dialogue and collaborative thinking.
This year the group will focus on Brazil as/and the Black Diaspora, with particular interest in Brazilian and Lusophone intersections of race, gender, and sexuality.
Through art, performance, film, popular culture, religion, music, and queer and feminist critiques, among many other cultural forms and archives, the group promotes a dialogue that is transdisciplinary and transatlantic, one that does not siphon Brazilian culture off from Black diaspora repertoires, and one that takes Luso-Afro-Brazilian transatlantic histories and resonances into account.
While the aforementioned works as a guiding theme, it need not be the only theme.
Professor Daniel da Silva asks people to join the group and reach out with ideas or directions they would like to see the Brazil Working Group take up. Contact Professor da Silva about events, guest speakers, and other ideas in order to establish a truly dynamic working group.
The group strives to share texts, media, and dialogues via email, through Zoom, and in person.
For more information please join their email list or write to